Duty Free Shop airport | DFH | Airport Retail Group - ARG

Travel Retail Operators
DFH | Airport Retail Group - ARG
Airport Retail Group (ARG) is part of the Scandinavian private equity investment portfolio owned by Jotunfjell Partners. ARG operate tax-free stores in the Norwegian airports of Sandefjord and Moss Rygge. Most of the air traffic at these airports is dominated by low-cost airlines, but in Norway duty free sales are allowed on arrival as well as departure, so this helps to avoid any carry-on baggage restrictions that may be imposed by the airlines. Norway is not a member of the European Union and this is why arrivals duty free stores are permitted.
The Company also operate a range of fashion stores in airports throughout the region and in 2013 they purchased the Swedish Outlet Mall operator, Kosta Outlet Mode. Sweden, like many other European countries, permits the tax-refund shopping system where certain visitors can re-claim the sales tax (VAT/IVA/Gst) on their goods, when they leave the continent.
The duty free on arrival global search 'App' for phone and tablet is now available in Android version beta v1, we are working hard to make it the best travel shopping site and mobile App available, the Apple/iOS version will follow soon. You will be able to search the globe from your phone for duty-free shops at your destination, on planes, boats, airports or border stores. To download the app click the image below to check before you fly!