Duty Free Border Downtown | Ever Rich Duty Free

Travel Retail Operators
Ever Rich Duty Free
The Taiwanese Company Ever Rich epitomise the difference between tax-free retailing in Asia, compared to the established format in Europe or Latin America, the key difference being the facility for “Downtown Duty Free” shopping as well as the conventional airport or airline retail business. This firm operate both formats, with stores in all the major airports and seaports of Taiwan, offering the usual range of perfume, cosmetics and liquor products alongside high brand luxury boutiques.
Shopping tourism is one of the main objectives for Asian travellers and the primary format known to these tourists is Downtown Duty Free (DDF), it is where they can do their shopping at their leisure in a large department store complex, rather than being rushed through an airport.
This company have three Downtown outlets near Taipei, one is a huge complex known as The Everrich Plaza, spread over five floors and featuring a vast range of luxury products, such as Ralph Lauren, Dunhill, Ferragamo, Cartier and Prada. A similar hotel, leisure and tax-free store complex is planned on Kinmen Island, which is administered by the Government of Taiwan, but is less than 6km away from the Chinese mainland.
Missing from the Company’s official dutyfree web site is any detail with regard to tobacco products, the removal of information related to duty free cigarettes, cigars or tobacco is becoming more common.
The duty free on arrival global search 'App' for phone and tablet is now available in Android version beta v1, we are working hard to make it the best travel shopping site and mobile App available, the Apple/iOS version will follow soon. You will be able to search the globe from your phone for duty-free shops at your destination, on planes, boats, airports or border stores. To download the app click the image below to check before you fly!