Duty Free Border Downtown | Global Blue - Tax Free Shopping

Travel Retail Operators
Global Blue - Tax Free Shopping
Global Blue is not a Travel Retailer, the Company is a Swiss based financial and marketing operation that processes the local tax-refund for tourist shoppers. Foreigners who travel abroad to over 50 countries are entitled to re-claim the sales tax, value added tax or GST tax on the goods they buy on their travels and then return home.
Global Blue have arrangements with various merchants (retailers) to provide the 'Tax Free Shopping' service for their customers, this enables the tourist to recover the tax and save up to 20% or more on their purchases. The Company simplify the arrangements for tax-free travel shopping by completing the Customs forms at their airport refund points and giving the credits due to the traveller. They charge a commission or service charge for this process.
This process is completely different to the conventional airport duty-free shops, where all local taxes are pre-deducted from the price and hence no refund is necessary. Another function of the Firm is 'Direct Currency Conversion' (DCC), this is the system where you can visit another country, buy goods with your credit card, but still pay in your own home currency, not in the currency of the territory you visit. The advantage claimed for this service is that it allows you to know exactly what you are spending at the time of the transaction and not later when your statement is received.
The duty free on arrival global search 'App' for phone and tablet is now available in Android version beta v1, we are working hard to make it the best travel shopping site and mobile App available, the Apple/iOS version will follow soon. You will be able to search the globe from your phone for duty-free shops at your destination, on planes, boats, airports or border stores. To download the app click the image below to check before you fly!