Duty Free Border Downtown | Luxury Goods

Tax Free Shopping
Luxury Goods
Luxury Goods, Fashion items, quality brands, tax-free shopping: In many countries, including most European countries, there is a facility for visitors to re-claim the sales tax on their purchases when they leave. This is a system known as Tax-Refund Shopping. Simply, most goods you buy, but not including liquors and tobaccos, have a local sales tax included in the purchase price. This tax can be recovered if you are a tourist and not a local resident in the country that operates this scheme.
Many stores and boutiques selling luxury goods and major brands operate this system. The scheme is particularly common for the sale of high fashion clothing, leather goods, watches and jewellery as these goods attract a high price and so a high tax on them. Savings can be anything up to 25% of the price, depending on where you buy the goods.
This method of duty free shopping is different to the type of shopping you find in airports or on cruise ships, where the price of the goods is already discounted and the taxes deducted from the price you pay when you buy. But, for both different methods of tax free shopping, you need to be travelling internationally and exporting your purchases from the country of purchase. You can search this site for the relevant retailers in each territory by clicking the images on this page and going to your destination of travel.
Companies operating the “Tax Refund – Sales Tax Rebate Scheme” for tourists include: Global Blue, Tax Free Worldwide, UK Tax Refund, TaxFree Shopping Ltd, Louisana Tax Free, FEXCO, GB taxfree, TaxBack, VatFree, Travel Tax Free and Global Refund. There are some restrictions as to what and where you can buy, but your tax free retailer will be able to assist you with the regulations. Many luxury stores throughout Europe, Asia and beyond offer this scheme, enabling you to save by buying at discount prices and recovering the local tax.