Duty Free Border Downtown | El Corte Ingles Portugal Tax Free

El Corte Ingles Portugal Tax Free
El Corte Ingles is the largest department store group in Spain, this Firm operate both in the domestic market and now they are expanding into airport retailing and also abroad. They already operate stores in Portugal. Tax-Free shopping is available through the tax free shopping VAT/IVA rebate scheme. El Corte Ingles have both liquor and tobacco sales (known as Estancos), in all their domestic department stores, but these specific products are sold at tax-paid prices.
European residents who do not live in Spain are entitled to a 10% discount on all purchases made in store, excluding alcohol and tobacco. The Firm also runs a comprehensive online retail web site and they will deliver products to other countries outside Spain.
Companies operating the “Tax Refund – Sales Tax Rebate Scheme” for tourists include: Global Blue, Tax Free Worldwide, UK Tax Refund, TaxFree Shopping Ltd, Louisana Tax Free, FEXCO, GB taxfree, TaxBack, VatFree, Travel Tax Free and Global Refund. There are some restrictions as to what and where you can buy, but your tax free retailer will be able to assist you with the regulations. Many luxury stores throughout Europe, Asia and beyond offer this scheme, enabling you to save by buying at discount prices and recovering the local tax.