Duty Free Border Downtown | Louisiana Tax Free Shopping

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Louisiana Tax Free Shopping
Travellers to America are generally unaware that tax-free refund shopping is also available at various locations throughout the United States of America, such as Texas and Louisiana. Louisiana State in the United States leads the way in tax-free shopping with a diverse range of retail opportunities. Over 800 stores in Louisiana offer the tax-free refund scheme. Famous retail names such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Macey's, Dillards and Coach are included as are statewide malls such as Louisiana Boardwalk, French Market, River Walk and Tanger Outlet Center.
As an international visitor you have the opportunity to save all the state tax on your purchases by presenting your merchandise and receipts for the refund to the redemption centres of 'Louisiana Tax Free'. You will find these in many locations including malls, banks and the international airport in New Orleans.
Louisiana Tax Free Shopping provides refunds of Louisiana state sales tax, and in some cases, local sales tax. Tax refunds are only available from retailers who are members of LTFS. International visitors with a valid foreign passport and roundtrip international travel ticket of less than 90 days duration are eligible for a sales tax refund. The purchaser must be an international visitor and not a US resident.