Duty Free Shop airport | CYO | Cayo Largo del Sur Acuña airport

CYO | Cayo Largo del Sur Acuña airport
Yes, you can buy your Duty Free on arrival in this country. Many gateway airports in this territory have arrivals duty free shopping facilities in the baggage claim area where you can buy tax-free goods before you pass through customs.
But, these stores are normally only located in the international arrival area of gateway airports, so if you are taking a domestic connecting flight, it is best to buy at your first point of arrival into the country.
An arrivals duty free facility not only enables you to pick up any last minute items that you were unable to buy at your outbound airport, but it gives you the inbound duty free shopping opportunity to buy liquid products such as spirits or wine, so you can avoid any potential problems like confiscation by security.
More airports are now introducing an online duty free and tax-free pre-order service, this allows you to arrange the purchase of goods before your departure. This may be useful as the sale of liquid products (especially alcohol) and known as 'LAGS', can often be restricted at your departure location due to airport or airline security regulations and although these regulations are gradually being lifted, shopping at arrival and online pre-order can alleviate this problem.
When available, we will add a link beneath this text, directly to the airport retail website.
Confirmation from The Duty Free Operator as to whether you can shop on arrival is awaited.
Some airline and airport retailers are yet to publish their online duty free prices and catalogues, others have now started incorporating online pre-order facilities.
We will publish the details for this airport as soon as they are available and where relevant to this airport, publish the airline in-flight price list, enabling you to make a comparison of the available products and prices.
If no local sites are available, we will provide links to a site where you can best check prices.
Notice December 2014: The United States Government has now announced that US Citizens or Residents travelling to Cuba as 'Authorised Visitors' from the USA, will shortly be able to bring back a total value of USD$400 of goods with them. The limit of USD$100 for the purchase of Cuban Cigars or alcohol products has now been abolished.
This new rule does not apply to Cuban cigars purchased outside Cuba and imported into The USA. In other words, you cannot buy Cuban Cigars in other Duty Free stores around the world and take them to America. These imports would still be treated as illegal by US Customs. This new rule is yet to be published by US Customs, so you should be careful not to buy until the rule becomes law.