Please feel free to view our Facebook Arrivals Duty Free photo albums, where we keep an up to date record of the many stores visited around the world. This gives you an exact photo representation of the stores in many locations and by different travel modes.
The albums are separated by the Duty Free shopping categories, such as in airports, on airlines, by ferry or cruise ship or crossing the border by land. We also have a section for Tax free shopping, Tax Refund Shopping and the various rules.

We are adding photos to our Facebook Arrivals Duty Free albums all the time, but we are always short of accurate pictures from new destinations. So feel free to contact us with your images for display.
Many people want to shop duty free, but travelers have many questions about what they can buy and where. If you have a question or a story about shopping on your travels, please contact us, this will help us and all our readers.
You can tag us @arrivalsdutyfree or just search for Duty Free on Arrival we can also be found on Twitter and Instagram by the same name.
Our mission is to help you when you wish to go Duty Free Shopping, so any information you provide will help us all.
To search for stores or rules by destination, just go to our global directory for detailed information. Browse Duty Free stores by Country in our shopping guide for more detail.
If you want to search in another language, just click the flags at the top of the page to check before you fly in your own language.
Duty Free on Arrival ® Duty Free na Chegada ® Duty Free a la Llegada ® Registered Trademarks 2009 All rights reserved/icons © 2016