Duty Free on Arrival is the original search site for Duty Free Shopping around the world, on arrival or departure, by land, sea or air. Before you fly, you can check online for the best prices and the different products you can buy.
Our Blog articles will feature updated news and views about shopping in airports, on airlines and around the globe on cruise ships, ferries or even when you cross the border by land.
We will update you on any new rules or regulations and with no punches pulled, give you our best advice and tips.

We are independent, non-aligned and not owned or managed by any Travel Retailer.
Our mission is to help you get the best value and convenience and to avoid those dreaded “confiscations” by Security or extra charges by Customs.
All international travelers can shop at discount prices, by which ever mode of travel you use. To find out more about the stores, rules and allowances at your destination, read our blog….
Or you can search our online global shopping guide and directory for all the stores at your destination.
Want to search the world? Just go to our master directory…
Looking for airport stores or airline in-flight duty free shopping…
Maybe you are taking a ferry or a cruise ship, or shopping in the port?
But first you will cross the border by land and are looking for a Free Shop?
We feature every country in the world, with stores offering tax free savings on a multitude of goods.
Need to know your allowances, limits, exemptions or restrictions before you buy? Check our Customs section at every travel point. Here you will find the rules that apply to your journey and the limits on arrival. Questions like, “can I buy cigarettes or whisky?” will be answered for you at each and every destination.
Check before you fly!

* We are the original global Duty Free Shopping Guide for Tax Free stores around the world, by any transport mode. Duty Free on Arrival does not sell goods direct, nor do we operate stores.
** DFOA was founded in 2008 and the original global database was launched in 2009. Buying on arrival was a little known concept at that time.
Duty Free on Arrival ® Duty Free na Chegada ® Duty Free a la Llegada ® Registered Trademarks
2009 All rights reserved/icons © www.dutyfreeonarrival.com 2016
Internacional: Para buscar tiendas libres de impuestos, catálogos y precios, ingresa tu ciudad o país de destino y haga clic "Go". Cuando encuentre la información de su destino haga clic en el icono rojo de Aduanas para la búsqueda restricciones aduaneros. Para encontrar lojas duty free e os preços, inserir destino, click e Go! A cota de isenção alfandegária refere-se ao seu país de chegada e não ao país de partida. Os regulamentos alfandegários podem ser encontrados clicando no botão aduaneiro para a esquerda ou procurando seu país de destino.